Source code for dsplab.flow.plan

# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Aleksandr Popov, Kirill Butin

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""This module implements the Node and Plan classes. Node can be
understood as the workplace for worker. Node can have inputs that are
also nodes. Plan is the system of linked nodes."""

from warnings import warn

from dsplab.flow.activity import get_work_from_dict
from dsplab.flow.activity import Activity
from dsplab.flow.verify import check_plan

[docs]class Node(Activity): """Base class for nodes.""" def __init__(self, inputs=None): super().__init__() self._id = None self._inputs = [] if inputs is not None: self._inputs = inputs self._res = None self._start_hook = None self._start_hook_args = None self._start_hook_kwargs = None self._stop_hook = None self._stop_hook_args = None self._stop_hook_kwargs = None self._res_info = None
[docs] def set_id(self, value): """Set ID for node.""" self._id = value
[docs] def get_id(self): """Return ID of node.""" return self._id
node_id = property(get_id, set_id, doc="ID of node.")
[docs] def get_inputs(self): """Return inputs.""" return self._inputs
[docs] def set_inputs(self, inputs): """Set inputs.""" self._inputs = inputs
inputs = property(get_inputs, set_inputs)
[docs] def set_start_hook(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Set start hook.""" self._start_hook = func self._start_hook_args = args self._start_hook_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def set_stop_hook(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Set stop hook.""" self._stop_hook = func self._stop_hook_args = args self._stop_hook_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def run_start_hook(self): """Run function associated with start hook.""" if self._start_hook is not None: self._start_hook(*self._start_hook_args, **self._start_hook_kwargs)
[docs] def run_stop_hook(self): """Run function associated with stop hook.""" if self._stop_hook is not None: self._stop_hook(*self._stop_hook_args, **self._stop_hook_kwargs)
[docs] def is_output_ready(self): """Check if the calculation in the node is finished.""" ans = self._res is not None return ans
[docs] def clear_result(self): """Clear the result.""" self._res = None
[docs] def reset(self): """Deprecated.""" warn("Node.reset() is deprecated. Use clear_result() instead.") self.clear_result()
[docs] def is_inputs_ready(self): """Check if data in all inputs is ready.""" for inpt in self._inputs: if not inpt.is_output_ready(): return False return True
[docs] def get_result(self): """Return the calculated data.""" return self._res
[docs] def set_result_info(self, info): """Appent to info the desctription of the output data.""" self._res_info = info
[docs] def get_result_info(self): """Return result info.""" return self._res_info
result_info = property(get_result_info, set_result_info, doc="Information about result") def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class WorkNode(Node): """Node with work.""" def __init__(self, work=None, inputs=None): super().__init__(inputs) self._work = None self._func = work self.set_work(work)
[docs] def get_work(self): """Return work of the node.""" return self._work
[docs] def set_work(self, work): """Set work for the node.""" self._work = work self._func = work
work = property(get_work, set_work, doc="Work in node")
[docs] def reduce_call(self): """Try to reduce call chain.""" try: self._func = self._work.worker.__call__ except AttributeError: pass
def __call__(self, *args, **kwarsg): return self.__call(*args, **kwarsg) def __call(self, data): self._res = self._work(*data)
[docs]class MapNode(WorkNode): """Apply work to all components of iterable input and build iterable output.""" def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__call(*args, **kwargs) def __call(self, data): self._res = [] if len(self._inputs) > 1: self._res = [] for zipped_args in map(list, zip(*data)): res_part = self._work(*zipped_args) self._res.append(res_part) elif len(self._inputs) == 1: self._res = [] for comp in data[0]: comp_res = self._work(comp) self._res.append(comp_res) else: raise RuntimeError('MapNode must have input.')
[docs]class SelectNode(Node): """Select component of output.""" def __init__(self, index, inputs=None): super().__init__(inputs) self.index = index def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__call(*args, **kwargs) def __call(self, data): if len(data) > 1: data_tr = list(map(list, zip(*data))) self._res = data_tr[self.index] elif len(data) == 1: self._res = data[0][self.index] else: raise RuntimeError('SelectNode must have input.')
[docs]class PackNode(Node): """Pack input to output.""" def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__call(*args, **kwargs) def __call(self, data=None): self._res = data
[docs]class PassNode(Node): """Pass input to output.""" def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__call(*args, **kwargs) def __call(self, data): self._res = data[0]
[docs]class Plan(Activity): """The plan. Plan is the system of linked nodes.""" def __init__(self, descr=None, quick=False): super().__init__() self._nodes = [] self._inputs = [] self._outputs = [] self._progress_func = None self._descr = descr self._quick = None self.set_quick(quick) self._sequence = []
[docs] def set_descr(self, descr): """Set description of plan.""" self._descr = descr
[docs] def get_descr(self): """Return description of plan.""" return self._descr
descr = property(get_descr, set_descr, doc="Description of plan")
[docs] def set_quick(self, value=True): """Make plan quick (for online with no hooks) or not.""" self._quick = value if not value: self._run_func = else: self._run_func = self.quick_run
def _detect_sequence(self): """Find sequence of nodes for execution.""" self._sequence = [] while True: finished = True for node in self._nodes: if (node in self._sequence) or (node in self._inputs): continue if set(node.inputs) <= set(self._sequence) | set(self._inputs): self._sequence.append(node) finished = False if finished: break
[docs] def add_node(self, node, inputs=None): """Add node to plan.""" self._nodes.append(node) if inputs is not None: node.inputs = inputs self._detect_sequence()
[docs] def remove_node(self, node): """Remove node from plan.""" if node not in self._nodes: raise RuntimeError("No such node") for _node in self._nodes: if node in _node.inputs: _node.inputs.remove(node) self._nodes.remove(node) self._detect_sequence()
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear plan.""" self._nodes = [] self._inputs = [] self._outputs = [] self._sequence = []
[docs] def get_outputs(self): """Return output nodes.""" return self._outputs
[docs] def set_outputs(self, outputs): """Set output nodes.""" self._outputs = outputs
outputs = property(get_outputs, set_outputs, doc="The nodes wich are outputs.")
[docs] def get_inputs(self): """Return input nodes.""" return self._inputs
[docs] def set_inputs(self, inputs): """Set input nodes.""" self._inputs = inputs self._detect_sequence()
inputs = property(get_inputs, set_inputs, doc="The nodes which are inputs.")
[docs] def get_nodes(self): """Return the list of nodes.""" return self._nodes
[docs] def set_progress_hook(self, func): """Set progress handler.""" self._progress_func = func
[docs] def run(self, data): """Run plan.""" for node in self._nodes: node.clear_result() for [node, node_data] in zip(self._inputs, data): node.run_start_hook() node([node_data]) node.run_stop_hook() if self._progress_func is not None: self._progress_func() while True: finished = True for node in self._nodes: if not node.is_output_ready() and node.is_inputs_ready(): finished = False input_nodes = node.get_inputs() node_data = [] for input_node in input_nodes: node_data.append(input_node.get_result()) node.run_start_hook() node(node_data) node.run_stop_hook() if self._progress_func is not None: self._progress_func() if finished: break return [output.get_result() for output in self._outputs]
[docs] def reduce_calls(self): """Reduce call chains for all nodes. Recommended before run quick plans.""" for node in self._nodes: if isinstance(node, WorkNode): node.reduce_call() if isinstance(node, MapNode): node.reduce_call()
[docs] def quick_run(self, data): """Sequential execution of plan with no hooks (for on-line quick processing).""" for node, node_data in zip(self._inputs, data): node([node_data]) for node in self._sequence: node_data = [] for input_node in node.inputs: node_data.append(input_node.get_result()) node(node_data) return [output.get_result() for output in self._outputs]
[docs] def verify(self): """Verify plan. Returns ------- : bool True if success, False otherwise. : str Empty string or description of error. """ if not self._inputs: return False, "There are no inputs in the plan." if not self._outputs: return False, "There are no outputs in the plan." return True, ""
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._run_func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_plan_from_dict(settings, params=None): """Create and return instance of Plan described in dictionary. Parameters ---------- setting: dict Dictionary with plan. params: dict Dictionary with parameters like "$name" for plan. Returns ------- : Plan The instance of Plan. **Keys in settings** - 'descr' - description of the plan (optional) - 'nodes' - list of dicts with nodes settings - 'inputs' - list of inputs nodes ids - 'outputs' - list of output nodes ids **Common settings for nodes** - 'id' - id of node - 'inputs' - list of ids of input nodes for this node - 'result' - result description **Settings for WorkNode and MapNode** - 'work' - dict with work settings **Settings for PackNode** - 'index' - index of selected item """ check_plan(settings) plan = Plan() if 'descr' in settings: plan.set_descr(settings['descr']) nodes = {} nodes_settings = settings['nodes'] for node_settings in nodes_settings: node_id = node_settings['id'] try: node_class = node_settings['class'] except KeyError: node_class = 'WorkNode' if node_class == 'WorkNode': node = WorkNode() work_settings = node_settings['work'] work = get_work_from_dict(work_settings, params) = work elif node_class == 'MapNode': node = MapNode() work_settings = node_settings['work'] work = get_work_from_dict(work_settings, params) = work elif node_class == 'PackNode': node = PackNode() elif node_class == 'SelectNode': index = node_settings['index'] node = SelectNode(index) elif node_class == 'PassNode': node = PassNode() else: message = "Unsupported node class: {}".format(node_class) raise ValueError(message) if 'result' in node_settings: node.set_result_info(node_settings['result']) node.set_id(node_id) nodes[node_id] = node for node_settings in nodes_settings: node_id = node_settings['id'] if 'inputs' in node_settings.keys(): inputs = [nodes[key] for key in node_settings['inputs']] plan.add_node(nodes[node_id], inputs=inputs) else: plan.add_node(nodes[node_id]) if 'inputs' in settings: inputs = [nodes[key] for key in settings['inputs']] plan.set_inputs(inputs) if 'outputs' in settings: outputs = [nodes[key] for key in settings['outputs']] plan.set_outputs(outputs) return plan