Source code for dsplab.spectran

# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Aleksandr Popov, Kirill Butin

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Some functions for spectral analysis."""

import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack as fftpack
import scipy.signal as sig

[docs]def spectrum(xdata, sample_rate=1, window='hamming', one_side=False, return_amplitude=True, extra_len=None, save_energy=False): """Return the Fourier spectrum of signal. Parameters ---------- xdata: array_like Signal values sample_rate: float Sampling frequency (Hz) window: str Window. one_side: boolean If True, the one-side spectrum is calculated (default value is False) return_amplitude: boolean If True, the amplitude spectrum is calculated extra_len: int If the value is set, the signal is padded with zeros to the extra_len value. save_energy: boolean If True, the result of FFT has the same energy as signal. If False, the X (spectrum) is multiplied to 2/len(xdata). Use False if you want to see the correct amplitude of components in spectrum. Returns ------- : np.ndarray of complex numbers Spectrum : np.ndarray of floats Frequency values (Hz) """ win = sig.get_window(window, len(xdata)) x_faded = xdata * win * len(win)/sum(win) actual_len = len(xdata) if extra_len: actual_len = max(extra_len, actual_len) sp_comp = fftpack.fft(x_faded, actual_len) if not save_energy: sp_comp *= 2/len(xdata) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(sp_comp), 1/sample_rate) if one_side: ind = freqs >= 0 freqs = freqs[ind] sp_comp = sp_comp[ind] if return_amplitude: return abs(sp_comp), freqs return sp_comp, freqs
[docs]def stft(xdata, sample_rate=1, nseg=256, nstep=None, window='hamming', nfft=None, padded=False): """Return result of short-time fourier transform. Parameters ---------- xdata: numpy.ndarray Signal. sample_rate: float Sampling frequency (Hz). nseg: int Length of segment (in samples). nstep: int Optional. Length of step (in samples). If not setted then equal to nseg//2. window: str Window. nfft: int Length of the FFT. If None or less than nseg, the FFT length is nseg. Returns ------- : numpy.ndarray Result of STFT, two-side spectrums. """ if not nstep: nstep = nseg//2 x_copy = xdata.copy() if padded: actual_len = len(x_copy) + (nseg - len(x_copy) % nseg) % nseg zer = np.zeros(actual_len) zer[:len(x_copy)] = x_copy x_copy = zer specs = [] for i in range(0, len(x_copy)-nseg + 1, nstep): seg = x_copy[i: i+nseg] spec = spectrum(seg, sample_rate, extra_len=nfft, window=window, save_energy=True)[0] specs.append(spec) return np.array(specs)
[docs]def calc_specgram(xdata, sample_rate=1, tdata=None, nseg=256, nstep=None, freq_bounds=None, extra_len=None): """Return spectrogram data prepared to further plotting. Parameters ---------- xdata: array_like Signal values sample_rate: float Sampling frequency (Hz) tdata: array_like Time values (sec) nseg: integer Length of window (number of samples) nstep: integer Length of step between Fourier transforms freq_bounds: tuple of 2 float Bounds of showed band extra_len: integer Number of values using for fft Return ------ : np.ndarray Array of spectrums : np.ndarray Time values """ if len(xdata) < nseg: return [], [] if tdata is None: tdata = np.linspace(0, (len(xdata)-1)*sample_rate, len(xdata)) else: sample_rate = 1/(tdata[1] - tdata[0]) if not nstep: nstep = nseg//2 specs = 2*stft(xdata=xdata, sample_rate=sample_rate, nseg=nseg, nstep=nstep, nfft=extra_len, padded=True) if freq_bounds: freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(specs[0]), 1/sample_rate) ind = (freqs >= freq_bounds[0]) & (freqs <= freq_bounds[1]) specs = specs[:, ind] t_new = np.linspace(tdata[nseg-1], tdata[-1], len(specs)) return np.transpose(specs), t_new